Tuesday, December 2, 2008

one iced mochachino please..??

Posted by Picasammm.. yum, yum.. slurrpp.. very nice.. hope this will get my head cracking, eh..??

december already and what have i achieved this year..?? have i grown richer, happier, savvier, healthier..?? have i become more organised, more work-focused, more religious, more business-minded..?? have i become a better mum/wife/daughter/sister/friend..??

around this time last year, i listed my 2008-goals into 4-categories: 1.work, 2.personal, 3.family and 4.house.. and under each category, i listed down all the things that needed to be done or looked into.. and i ended up with quite a mouthful/typeful of little projects and assignments to keep me occupied for the whole year..

but other things always got in my way of course, both invited and otherwise.. but as i re-look at my long list again, i've to admit that while the last 3-categories are now almost fully-ticked, my 1st and foremost should have been my priority-category.. is barely one-third completed.. :(

it happens again, again and again...!!! maybe i shouldn't have too many other things on my mind..?? but i'm a soho-based mother with growing children who need regular guidance & assistance.. and my aging body needs much more tender loving care (read: maintenance).. and my 3-yr old house needs greater housekeeping than we ever expected.. and blogging is this new-found creative outlet that i just cannot resist having a daily-dose of.. and running your own business can be quite lonely sometimes, so those long-lunches and tete-a-tetes with my girl-friends are necessary, okay..??!!

therefore i'm very thankful for the advances in technology these days.. it makes life so much more easier and efficient for small little businesses like mine.. and i'm also thankful to be given the hindsight and motivation to pursue these alien technologies despite the many hiccups along the way..

so am i better off than a year before..?? whilst only barely one-third of my work-projects are ticked off from my list and it really bugs and bothers me big-time coz this business-owner is still actually not so business-minded even after 15yrs in business.. i'm happy to announce that all other areas of my life have progressed well accordingly to plans, and some have infact proceeded beyond my expectations, alhamdulillah..

one cannot get everything, eh?? i'll be more work-oriented next year inshaallah, darling hubby.. ;)


Justiffa said...

Salam Rosmah... thx for dropping bye earlier :) looks like its time for reflection eh as we near year's end. apapun lets keep the passion & spirit up as we face 2009 head on!!

And looking forward to ur post on ur 9+1 cats ;)

The Ceramic Designer said...

wksalam justiffa.. yeah, so much to say about my cats.. one of these days i'll find time to reflect on my feline family.. and will let u know.. ;)

by the way, i have plenty and plenty of photos of them in various positions.. maybe i will post them first? yeah, end of the year now, busy time to tie-up some loose ends, so cat-stories will have to wait.. ;)

Kak Teh said...

hahaha, so this is what catlovers do when they meet up!
I too have loads of cat stories and cat pix - The children are going to disown us now that we talk about nothing else but cats.

One constant question: why is it that you phone to ask whether there's cat food, and not whether we have food?

The Ceramic Designer said...

hi hi kak teh..
all my cats were stray/lost/found cats, none was bought/given or dicari-cari.. people been telling me that they bring rezeki to the owners, betul ke?

been a cat-lover all my life, and my 2nd born seems to be following my foosteps.. ;)